GitHub released a new feature that allows each user personalize their profiles.

It is really easy to do that. I will break it down in a couple of steps so that you can reproduce:
- Create a repository with the name of your GitHub username (in my case it was GoncaloPeres).
- Make sure that the repo has a README file.
- If you didn’t have a repository with the name of your GitHub username, when creating it, make sure to check the box “Initialize this repository with a README (as it shows in Figure 2).
- Personalize the README.md file. Here it is just a matter of being creative.
- Commit the new README and then push the changes to GitHub.
On my README file, I have added buttons for some social media channels and for that, I have used ShieldsIO‘s buttons.
For reference, here is the markdown code for my README file.
As I may do some tweaks in the future, by accessing my repository you will be able to see all the changes.
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